Getting locked out of your car is a situation we all hope to avoid, but it happens more often than we’d like to admit. That’s why having a well-equipped car lockout kit is essential for every driver.

Slim Jim:
A Slim Jim is a classic tool that has been used by locksmiths for years to unlock car doors. This slim, flat piece of metal is designed to slip between the car window and door frame, allowing you to reach the internal locking mechanism. While it requires some skill to use effectively, having a Slim Jim in your car lockout kit can be a game-changer when you find yourself locked out.
Inflatable Wedge:
An inflatable wedge is a versatile tool that can be incredibly useful in car lockout situations. This soft, wedge-shaped device is inserted between the car door and frame. By inflating it, you create a gap just wide enough to slide in another tool, such as a coat hanger or a long reach tool, to manipulate the door’s locking mechanism.
Long Reach Tool:
A long reach tool is a must-have in any car lockout kit, especially when combined with an inflatable wedge. This tool features a slim, hook-shaped end that can reach inside the car to grab door handles, press the unlock button, or manipulate the locking mechanism. It’s an excellent choice for cars with automatic locking systems.

Locksmith-approved Lock Pick Set:
While lock picking should only be done by professionals or in emergency situations, having a locksmith-approved lock pick set in your car lockout kit can be invaluable. These sets typically include a variety of picks and tension tools designed for different types of locks. They can help you regain access to your car if you have the necessary skills and authorization.
A well-prepared car lockout kit can turn a frustrating situation into a minor inconvenience. Remember to stay calm, assess the tools you have on hand, and use them responsibly. In case you find yourself in need of professional assistance, consider reaching out to a reputable locksmith service.
Lockout Tool Kit in Tulsa – OKC Locksmith JB Tulsa:
For residents in the Tulsa area, OKC Locksmith JB Tulsa is your go-to source for all your Lockout Tool Kit needs. Their experienced team provides reliable and efficient locksmith services, including car lockout assistance. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and a range of tools and techniques at their disposal, OKC Locksmith JB Tulsa is the locksmith partner you can trust.