Tips of What to Do When an Intruder breaks into Your House

It is always good to keep your house safe and a locksmith in Broken Arrow can help secure your premises.

But what do you do when a burglar breaks into your house? You need to be well prepared to deal with the situation. This article takes you through proven plans that can be effective in such an instance.

Plan A

Your first plan should be an Escape Plan. Escaping helps you prevent yourself from violent reactions with the burglar. Your life should be a top priority. You should have a well-designed escape route to avoid coming into confrontation with the burglar. Escaping also ensures your safety, far away from the danger.

Plan B

The second thing you need to do apart from escape is to bring loud attention. This can be achieved by using the alarm systems and get them installed in your house with the help of a locksmith in Broken Arrow. The alarm system with a panic button can be handy in raising fear in the burglar, this can make him leave immediately. Alarm systems also signal your neighbors and the police about the danger you are in. Proper actions can be taken to save you after that.

Plan C

There might arise a situation where all the other two plans might fail. You won’t be in a position to escape or reach the alarm system. In such an instance, you should hide. Hiding helps you to stay calm and avoid confrontation with the burglar. You should not scream or make any movements that could draw the attention of the intruder to you. You should also avoid making eye contact with the burglar so that the burglar might not interpret that as a sign of aggression that you will use to identify him later.

Sometimes you might be forced into a confrontation with a burglar or an intruder. It sounds sensible because you cannot just stay there and get hurt by the intruder. Choose to use defensive but reasonable force. You can use weapons such as furniture or anything that is around you to defend yourself. It is, however, essential to have yourself out of such a situation and call an emergency number as soon as you feel you are safe enough to do so.

Remember, you are only supposed to use reasonable force in attacking an intruder. Reasonable force means one that can protect you or another in the event of being attacked. The law will favor you in such a case.

In Conclusion

The first thing you should do after an intruder breaks into your home is to call the police after you are sure that the intruder is out of your home. You should also not touch or remove anything or try to put things in order. This is because the forensic team will try and find who the intruder was through the use of fingerprints. The police will be able to come to the crime scene, and after they have left, you should call a locksmith in case any door locks and other security systems are damaged.


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