Home Security Tips from Your Local Locksmith

We all want to keep our homes safe and know one knows how to do it better than our local locksmiths. They have dealt with all kinds of burglaries to know what you can do better to protect your home from being victimized.

In this article, we bring to you some expert tips from your local Locksmith Porter technicians to help you keep your home safe.

Keep all Doors and Windows Locked

It is strange to note how very few people keep their doors and windows locked when going somewhere. If you are planning to go away for a holiday or will be locking your home all day, then be sure to quickly check if all the doors and windows are locked. This is important even if you are going away just for a few hours.

Hide Your Keys

Don’t leave your keys in plain sight. If your keys are easily visible and accessible, it is an open invitation to a thief to choose your house over another. Leaving your car keys where they can be reached easily will tempt a burglar to not only gain access to your keys but also your car that they can steal without any forced entry.

Outdoor Lighting

Don’t leave your front porch in the dark. Consider using a motion detecting light or outdoor lights in general to deter thieves from targeting your home. Lights that get activated with motion are the best way to discourage burglary. Another you should keep in mind when buying outdoor lighting is the range of sensor and the distance it will illuminate when it senses movement. Place the sensor light where it can cover all the dark spots or consider putting two or more if you have a larger area.


You can either invest in a sophisticated burglar alarm or a look-alike that will make the burglar skeptical about breaking into your property. You should change your alarm from time to time and change the security code regularly. Most dummy alarms are an exact replica of their actual versions, making it hard for a burglar to tell them apart.

Don’t Publish Security Information on Social Media

Posting your personal information on social media such as buying expensive things or going away for a long time can be perceived by burglars as an opportunity to rob you. Adjust your privacy settings to remove the location from your posts.

Other than all these points, the best safety you can give to your home is by asking your helpful neighbors to keep a watch when you are away. This is the best and the most effective way to keep your property safe. If you are away for a while, then ask your neighbors to remove a pile of newspapers or letters to remove any signs that the homeowners are away. They could also park their in your driveway to give an impression to the burglar that someone’s home.

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