Tips to Keep your Property Safe

Property Safe

The locks on your car, home, and office doors face regular wear and tear. They act as your first line of defence against burglary and theft. Needless to say, you need to be very careful in choosing your locks as well as locksmiths to ensure that your property is safe not only at night but also in your absence.

That being said, here are some tips from an expert Locksmith in Tulsa to help you safeguard your premises at night.

Protecting your property

If you are a business owner, then you must realize that your employees expect you to keep them safe when they are at work. Moreover, it not only holds important human resources but also other expensive equipment that requires same amount of attention if not more. Therefore, experts recommend that you should consider changing locks periodically to ensure that no unlawful person has access to your property. If you find that lock replacement is too expensive for you, you can also consider rekeying them.

The same concept applies to your home as well, especially if you have a gardener or a cleaner that comes in your absence. Changing locks after a few months is necessary to prevent any break-ins at night or when you are away.

Consider key-less systems

No matter how careful and hands-on you are, you are never immune to the possibility of losing your keys. Besides, if you had an unpleasant tenant or an angry cleaner, it is possible that they may have made copies of your door key and may try to gain access to your premises in your absence. You can prevent that by getting your locks changed or getting them rekeyed. However, if you are someone who is prone to losing their keys a lot, then keyless locks are your best bet.

Lock replacement if you just moved in

While it may seem like an unnecessary expense, but changing or replacing your locks is a necessity if you just moved it. it is possible that the previous homeowner or their tenants may have extra set of keys to your home. So rather than risking it, you should consider going the extra mile and get yourself a lock replacement. You can also talk to your local locksmith to recommend you cheaper alternatives as well.

Lock replacement situation is also applicable if you recently had a divorce or your roommate left your apartment. While it is customary to return the key, it is possible that they may have an extra set.

Regular wear and tear

Your locks not only face years of wear and tear but also the onslaught of weather change. They protect your property in the face of rain, shine, snow storm etc. Therefore, it is only natural that these locks lose their initial integrity and become hackable. A rusty lock is always a tempting option for a burglar. So consider changing your locks before they attempt to break in.

These are some basic tips and reasons why you should consider replacing your locks, if you haven’t done that already.

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