Top technology trends in the locking industry

Technology has made it possible for the homeowners to sit back and relax when they are away as the smart locks that you get today have advanced features that can notify you about the surrounding activities so that you know if someone is trying to break into your house. Look out for reliable services with the help of a professional locksmith in Muskogee.

The technologically advanced door locks have more or less the same functionality as the deadbolts or door locks just that they are offer entry systems that are keyless, reporting capability, and code monitoring through your smart phone.

The keyless entry systems that you get today come in remote access formats and have a key fob and keypad that come with it. You just need to enter the code on the keypad and press the unlock button on the key fob. For accessing the systems from a remote place you can make use of the Bluetooth, Z-Wave, or Wi-fi feature. Among all of these, the Bluetooth can be easily set up and has a range of 20 to 40 feet. You would need to pair the lock with your smartphone through the manufacturer’s app that you would need to download in your phone in order to have access to all the functionalities of the lock. Wi-fi on the other hand comes with an unlimited range when your phone is connected with the router and can be activated from any nearby place.

Z-Wave comes with an automation system that makes use of system controllers in order to access the lock. Moreover, you would require an access to the Internet and have a smartphone or a device through which you can set commands on the lock and access them whenever required. You can even share the lock code with the service technicians and friends so that they can easily enter the house without having to wait long on the door for someone to come and open it for them. You also need to make sure that the smart lock includes advanced communication encryption for more security. You can take help from a reliable locksmith in Muskogee.

There are several other features that you need to consider when you are deciding the best smart lock for your home. Always make sure that you use an app that comes with a mobile app so you always know the activities that are happening in your home and can adjust the settings of the lock according to according to your preference. With the real-time notifications available on your phone, you would be able to track who all are moving in and out of your house when you are not home.

Some of the smart locks that come with advanced features provide the peace of mind. They come with a tamper alarm which can generate regular notifications in case someone attempts to break-in the house. There is another kind of lock that comes with a perimeter lock features that ensures that the locks at all sides of your house would get automatically closed when you are away from a certain range that is set for the lock.

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