Contact Us

Contact A Local Locksmith in OKC

At OKC Locksmith JB, we are available 24 hours a day. If you have an emergency, don’t hesitate to call us! We are licensed in Oklahoma. You can rely on our honesty and integrity. If you have any concerns regarding our license status contact the Oklahoma Department Of Labor at (405) 521-6100 and ask for the Locksmith Oklahoma City licensing division.

We Fill Happy to Hear from You 🙂

Phone Number: 4052194612

Oklahoma City, OK 73108



Monday:  Open 24 Hours.

Tuesday:  Open 24 Hours.

Wednesday:  Open 24 Hours.

Thursday:  Open 24 Hours.

Friday:  Open 24 Hours.

Saturday: Open 24 Hours.

Sunday: Open 24 Hours.


($) Pay your way! Cash, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express), or checks—it’s all good with us.

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