Should You Rekey or Replace Your Lock?

A locksmith in Broken Arrow will tell you that there is no problem if you decide to replace your lock altogether. However, do you know that replacing the lock is not your only option? You also have the option of rekeying, and you should be aware of it.

Understanding the Difference Between Replacing Lock and Rekeying

Replacing lock is self explanatory. Here, you remove the lock and install a new one. This means that even the key is different and hence, you have nothing to worry about if you have lost a key or had your purse stolen. You can rest assured knowing that no thief or criminal will be able to gain access into your home.

For some people, replacing the lock may not be the best option. Such people can opt for rekeying, wherein the internal mechanism of the existing lock is altered so that it works only with a new key. So, here the lock stays the same, but the old key will not function with the lock. A reputable locksmith in Broken Arrow will tell you that most locks have a built-in mechanism for rekeying.

Pros and Cons of Rekeying

If you understand the benefits and disadvantages of rekeying, you will be able to decide whether it is the right option for you.

As stated earlier, rekeying does not involve changing the lock. Hence, it is a cost-effective solution. You will pay merely for the labor and not for any part. But there is a downside to rekeying. It does not upgrade your lock system. For example, if you decide to rekey mortice lock, after rekeying, you will still have a mortice lock system.

When you opt for replace the lock, you have full control over the type of lock you install. This way, you can choose to upgrade your lock system and ensure optimal security at all times.

When Should You Rekey?

If you are happy with the performance of your existing lock, but want some semblance of added security, you can opt for rekeying. This way, the older keys of the lock will not function.

Here are some situations when it makes sense to opt for rekeying rather than replacing the lock:

  • You have misplaced your key
  • You have lost your key
  • You have just started renting a new home
  • You want to deny an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend from having access to your home
  • You want to deny an old roommate, who still has a spare key, to gain access to your home

You can opt for lock replacement if you want to upgrade your locking system and want to take advantage of the latest technology to keep your home safe. Replacing the lock is the best option when you are unhappy with the design or state of the lock, or feel that the lock does not meet your needs or expectations.

The Bottom Line

Whether you opt to replace the lock or go in for rekeying, your choice of locksmith is extremely important. The locksmith should have the right tools, expertise and experience to offer you the most apt locking system for your home.

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