What are Some of the Common Signs of Lock Tampering?

It can be quite difficult to tell the exact reason of lock tampering –if it happens in your home. However, whenever it happens, it is recommended that you should call up a professional locksmith in Bixby to get the locking system corrected as soon as possible.

Door or lock tampering can turn out to be a major security risk. If you have certain reasons to believe that someone has tampered with the main door or lock of your house, it is important to take up some vital security measures at the same time. A professional locksmith in Bixby can help you out with the installation of the most secure locking system in your house.

Here are some of the common signs of lock tampering that you should look out for:

Deformed Lock: If you are finding it difficult to turn or insert the key into the lock of your home, then there are chances that the lock might have been tampered with. The attempt made by an intruder to break in by deforming the lock could lead to such situations. The given type of forced entry can either break or bend the tumblers or key chamber of the lock –making up for the lock function. Thus, it becomes difficult to operate the same.

Signs of Bumping: Bumping happens to be a common technique utilized by most of the burglars out there to get entry into the home or commercial buildings. By making use of a bump key –a sort of dummy key, the intruders could also implement hammering the lock. This allows them to break the lock easily and thus, get easy access into the home or office. While this might be a troubling risk, the bumping process could end up leaving some marks or scratches. Therefore, you must look out for the same and take reliable services from a professional locksmith nearby.

Warped or Damaged Door: Most of the times, the signs of tampering or an attempt of intrusion might not be directly linked to the lock of the main door. When the intruder would attempt to break in, there could be some obvious damages done to the main door of the house or office as well. If you come across telltale signs like bent deadbolts, twisted metal, or broken wood of the main door, then these are some of the red flags that you should not ignore.

Lock Picking: Another common method of tampering the main lock of the house is through lock picking. This is the most preferred method by burglars as it tends to leave no possible signs of intrusion. Small tools including a pick or screwdrivers are used for turning the lock and then, raking the pin tumblers of the lock. Tiny scratch marks on the appearance of the shiny metal parts of the lock could be searched for in case of lock picking.

Look out for common signs of lock tampering to enhance your overall security.

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